BCS-BEC crossover and nodal points contribution in p-wave resonance superfluids


  • M.Yu. Kagan P.L. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, 2 Kosygina Str., Moscow 119334, Russia
  • D.V. Efremov P.L. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, 2 Kosygina Str., Moscow 119334, Russia



Ключові слова:

BCS–BEC crossover, Feshbach resonance, superfluidity, 3He-A, chiral anomaly.


We solve the Leggett equations for BCS–BEC crossover of the resonance p-wave superfluid. We calculate sound velocity, specific heat and the normal density for the BCS-domain (μ > 0), BEC-domain (μ < 0) as well as for the interesting interpolation point (μ = 0) in the triplet A1-phase in 3D. We are especially interested in the quasiparticle contribution coming from the zeroes of the superfluid gap in the A1-phase. We discuss the spectrum of orbital waves and the superfluid hydrodynamics at temperature T → 0. In this context we elucidate the difficult problem of chiral anomaly and mass-current nonconcervation appearing in the BCS-domain. We present the different approaches to solve this problem. To clarify this problem experimentally we propose an experiment for the measurement of anomalous current in superfluid A1-phase in the presence of aerogel for 3He and in the presence of Josephson tunneling structures for the ultracold gases in magnetic traps.




Як цитувати

Kagan, M.; Efremov, D. BCS-BEC Crossover and Nodal Points Contribution in P-Wave Resonance Superfluids. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2009, 35, 779-788.





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