The overheating effects in germanium quantum well with two subbands occupied
DOI:Ключові слова:
quantum well, overheating effects, acoustical coupling, the heat balance equation.Анотація
The charge carrier overheating effect was studied in the p-type Si0.4Ge0.6/Ge/Si0.4Ge0.6 heterostructure with two subband occupy. The temperature dependences of hole-phonon relaxation time τh-ph at weak magnetic fields demonstrated transition of the 2D system from regime of “partial inelasticity” characterized by dependence τ-1h-ph ∝ T 2 to regime of small-angle scattering, described by dependence τ-1h-ph ∝ T 5 with temperature increase. But in higher magnetic fields the dependence τ-1h-ph ∝ T 3 manifests itself on dependences τh-ph(Th-ph). The possible explanations of such dependences are discussed.
Як цитувати
Berkutov, I.; Andrievskii, V.; Kolesnichenko, Y.; Komnik, Y.; Mironov, O. The Overheating Effects in Germanium Quantum Well With Two Subbands Occupied. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2018, 44, 1018-1024.
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