X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy of thermochromic phase transition in CuMoO4
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5034155Ключові слова:
x-ray absorption spectroscopy, CuMoO4, thermochromism, phase transition.Анотація
Thermochromic phase transition was studied in CuMoO4 using the Cu and Mo K-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy in the temperature range of 10–300 K. The hysteretic behavior has been evidenced from the temperature dependence of the pre-edge shoulder intensity at the Mo K-edge, indicating that the transition from brownish-red γ-CuMoO4 to green α-CuMoO4 occurs in the temperature range of 230–280 K upon heating, whereas the α-to-γ transition occurs between 200 and 120 K upon cooling. Such behavior of the pre-edge shoulder at the Mo K-edge correlates with the change of molybdenum coordination between distorted tetrahedral in α-CuMoO4 and distorted octahedral in γ-CuMoO4. This result has been supported by ab initio full-multiple-scattering x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) calculations.
Як цитувати
Jonane, I.; Cintins, A.; Kalinko, A.; Chernikov, R.; Kuzmin, A. X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy of Thermochromic Phase Transition in CuMoO4. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2018, 44, 568-572.
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