Magnetic phenomena in Co-containing layered double hydroxides
DOI:Ключові слова:
layered structure, oxygen octahedra, static magnetization, effective magnetic moment.Анотація
Magnetic behavior of CoII(n)AlIII layered double hydroxides (LDHs) (n = Co/Al = 2 and 3) intercalated withnitrate was studied as a function of temperature. Both LDH compounds are paramagnetic above about 8 K. A rapid increase of their magnetic moments occurs below this temperature until the moments reach the maximum values at Tmax of 4.0 K and 3.2 K for Co(2)Al–NO3 and Co(3)Al–NO3, respectively. Below Tmax, the zero-field-cooled and the field-cooled static magnetization curves are strongly different. Along with this low-temperature phenomena, Co(2)Al–NO3 and Co(3)Al–NO3 demonstrate anomalous behavior of their temperature dependence magnetic susceptibility in a higher-temperature range: between 75 and 175 K, both the paramagnetic Curie temperature and the effective magnetic moment change in a non-monotonous way. Possible structural reasons of the observed magnetic behavior of the CoII(n)AlIII LDHs are discussed.
Як цитувати
Vieira, D. E.; Lopes, A. B.; Feher, A.; Čižmár, E.; Babkin, R. Y.; Desnenko, V. A.; Fertman, E. L.; Pashkevich, Y. G.; Fedorchenko, A. V.; Salak, A. N.; Ferreira, M. G. Magnetic Phenomena in Co-Containing Layered Double Hydroxides. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2017, 43, 1214-1218.
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