Stationary property of the thermodynamic potential of the Hubbard model in strong coupling diagrammatic approach for superconducting state
DOI:Ключові слова:
strong correlated electron system, Dyson equation, Green's function, periodic Anderson model.Анотація
Diagrammatic analysis for normal state of Hubbard model proposed in our previous paper is generalized and used to investigate superconducting state of this model. We use the notion of charge quantum number to describe the irreducible Green's function of the superconducting state. As in the previous paper we introduce the notion of tunneling Green's function and of its mass operator. This last quantity turns out to be equal to correlation function of the system. We proved the existence of exact relation between renormalized one-particle propagator and thermodynamic potential which includes integration over auxiliary interaction constant. The notion of skeleton diagrams of propagator and vacuum kinds were introduced. These diagrams are constructed from irreducible Green's functions and tunneling lines. Identity of this functional to the thermodynamic potential has been proved and the stationarity with respect to variation of the mass operator has been demonstrated.
Як цитувати
Moskalenko, V.; Dohotaru, L.; Digor, D.; Cebotari, I. Stationary Property of the Thermodynamic Potential of the Hubbard Model in Strong Coupling Diagrammatic Approach for Superconducting State. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2012, 38, 1167-1174.
Надпровідність, зокрема високотемпературна
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