Low-dimensional magnetism of spin-½ chain systems α- and β-TeVO4: a comparative study
Оптика и магнитооптика
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4734010Ключові слова:
Raman scattering, low-dimensional magnetic systems, phononic and magnetic excitations.Анотація
We present a comparative study of the low-dimensional compounds α- and β-TeVO4. Our data clearly show that the change in the local coordination geometry of V4+ ions comparing α- and β-TeVO4 leads to a drastic differences in the magnetic properties. Despite sharing the same crystal structure, the two compounds realize different magnetic exchange topologies. Both compounds exhibit a transition from ferro- to antiferromagnetic correlations with decreasing temperature. This effect however is driven by different mechanisms for both compounds. Additionally, a dimensional crossover is found in β-TeVO4.
Як цитувати
Gnezdilov, V.; Lemmens, P.; Wulferding, D.; Pashkevich, Y.; Lamonova, K.; Choi, K.-Y.; Afanasiev, O.; Gnatchenko, S.; Berger, H. Low-Dimensional Magnetism of Spin-½ Chain Systems α- and β-TeVO4: A Comparative Study: Оптика и магнитооптика. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2012, 38, 715-727.
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