Evidence for Griffiths phase in multiferroic BiMnO3 and BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 films


  • V.G. Prokhorov Institute of Metal Physics, NASU, Kiev 03142, Ukraine
  • G.G. Kaminsky Institute of Metal Physics, NASU, Kiev 03142, Ukraine
  • J.M. Kim q-Psi and Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea
  • Y.J. Yoo q-Psi and Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea
  • Y.P. Lee q-Psi and Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea
  • V.L. Svetchnikov National Center for HREM, TU Delft 2628AL, The Netherlands
  • G.G. Levchenko Donetsk Institute for Physics and Technology, NASU, Donetsk 83114, Ukraine
  • Yu.M. Nikolaenko Donetsk Institute for Physics and Technology, NASU, Donetsk 83114, Ukraine
  • V.A. Khokhlov Donetsk Institute for Physics and Technology, NASU, Donetsk 83114, Ukraine



Ключові слова:

multiferroics, thin films, crystal structure, Griffiths phase.


Microstructure and magnetic properties of the BiMnO3 and BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 films, prepared by the rf magnetron sputtering on LaAlO3 (001) single-crystalline substrate, have been investigated. The selected-area electron diffraction analysis allows us to indentify the crystal structure of the BiMnO3 film as an orthorhombic one while the BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 film has a hexagonal lattice symmetry. The high-resolution electron microscopy study reveals the presence of strip-domain phase with a periodic spacing of about 3c in both films. The magnetic measurements show that in addition to the basic paramagnetic phase, the films manifest the Griffiths phase behavior in a wide temperature range. We argue that the observed weak ferromagnetism is provided by an appearance of the strip-domain layered inclusions rather than the intrinsic physical origin of the films.




Як цитувати

Prokhorov, V.; Kaminsky, G.; Kim, J.; Yoo, Y.; Lee, Y.; Svetchnikov, V.; Levchenko, G.; Nikolaenko, Y.; Khokhlov, V. Evidence for Griffiths Phase in Multiferroic BiMnO3 and BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 Films. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2012, 38, 531-537.



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