Evolution of discrete local levels into an impurity band in solidified inert gas solution
Classical Cryocrystals
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2746251Ключові слова:
phonon density of states, spectral density, Green function, Jacoby matrix, local vibration, disordered solution.Анотація
The density of states g(w)of disordered solutions of solidified inert gases have been calculated using the Jacobian matrix method. The transformation of a discrete vibrational level into an impurity zone at a growing concentration of light impurity atoms has been investigated. It is shown that a 1–10% change in the impurity concentration leads to smearing the local discrete level into an impurity band. As this occurs, additional resonance levels appear which carry important information about the impurity–impurity and impurity–basic lattice force interactions in such solutions.
Як цитувати
Kosevich, A.; Feodosyev, S.; Gospodarev, I.; Grishaev, V.; Kotlyar, O.; Kruglov, V.; Manzhelii, E.; Syrkin, E. Evolution of Discrete Local Levels into an Impurity Band in Solidified Inert Gas Solution: Classical Cryocrystals. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2007, 33, 735-740.
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