Effect of temperature variation on shift and broadening of exciton band in Cs3Bi2I9 layered crystals


  • V.F. Machulin V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 41 Nauky Ave., Kyiv 03028, Ukraine
  • F.V. Motsnyi V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 41 Nauky Ave., Kyiv 03028, Ukraine
  • E.Yu. Peresh Uzhgorod National University, Chemical Faculty, 46 Pidgirna Str., Uzhgorod 88000, Ukraine
  • O.M. Smolanka V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 41 Nauky Ave., Kyiv 03028, Ukraine
  • G.S. Svechnikov V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 41 Nauky Ave., Kyiv 03028, Ukraine



Ключові слова:

PACS: 64.70.Kb, 71.35.Cc, 78.40.Fy


The exciton reflection spectra of Cs3Bi2I9 layered crystals is investigated in the temperature region 4.2–300 K with light polarization Ec. It is estimated that the energy gap Eg equals 2.857 eV (T = 4.2 K) and the exciton binding energy Ry is 279 meV. A nontraditional temperature shift of Eg(T) for the layered substances is found for the first time. It is learned that this shift is described very well by the Varshni formula. A transition region in the temperature broadening of the half-width H(T) of the exciton band with the increase of temperature is registered in the interval between 150 and 220 K. It is shown that this region may be identified as the heterophase structure region where ferroelastic and paraelastic phases coexist. A surge of H(T) at the point of the ferroelastic phase transition (Tc = 220 K) is also observed.




Як цитувати

Machulin, V.; Motsnyi, F.; Peresh, E.; Smolanka, O.; Svechnikov, G. Effect of Temperature Variation on Shift and Broadening of Exciton Band in Cs3Bi2I9 Layered Crystals. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2004, 30, 1283-1286.



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