Effective mass of atom and the excitation spectrum in liquid helium-4 at T = 0 K
Ключові слова:
PACS: 67.40.-w, 67.40.DbАнотація
A self-consistent approach is applied for calculations within the two-time temperature Green function formalism in the random phase approximation for superfluid 4He. The effective mass of the 4He atom is computed asm m * =1.58 . The excitation spectrum is found to be in a satisfactory agreement with experiment. The sound velocity is calculated as 230 m/s. The Bose-condensation temperature with the effective mass taken into consideration is estimated as 1.99 K.
Як цитувати
Rovenchak, A. Effective Mass of Atom and the Excitation Spectrum in Liquid Helium-4 at T = K. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2003, 29, 145-148.
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