Giant resistance switching effect in nano-scale twinned La0.65Ca0.35MnO3 film


  • V. G. Prokhorov Institute of Metal Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 36 Vernadsky Str., Kiev, 03142, Ukraine
  • G. G. Kaminsky Institute of Metal Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 36 Vernadsky Str., Kiev, 03142, Ukraine
  • V. A. Komashko Institute of Metal Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 36 Vernadsky Str., Kiev, 03142, Ukraine
  • Y. P. Lee Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul, 133-791 Korea
  • A. I. Tovstolytkin Institute of Magnetism, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 03142, Ukraine
  • A. N. Pogorily Institute of Magnetism, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 03142, Ukraine


Ключові слова:

PACS: 71.30. h, 75.30.Vn, 75.70.-i


The magnetic and transport properties of a 20 nm-scale twinned La0.65Ca0.35 MnO3 film are investigated in a temperature range of 77-300 K. The coexistence of ferromagnetic metallic and charge-ordered insulating phases is suggested by analyzing the temperature and current dependences of the resistance at low temperatures. It is shown that thermocycling leads to the formation of a nonequilibrium state in the ensemble of charge-ordered domains and to the appearance of a giant switching in resistance of up to 100%. The experimental results are discussed on the basis of phase separation.




Як цитувати

Prokhorov, V. G.; Kaminsky, G. G.; Komashko, V. A.; Lee, Y. P.; Tovstolytkin, A. I.; Pogorily, A. N. Giant Resistance Switching Effect in Nano-Scale Twinned La0.65Ca0.35MnO3 Film. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2002, 28, 1199-1202.



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