The influence of dislocations on the magnetic structure of two-dimensional anisotropic antiferromagnets

Electronic Properties of Metals and Alloys


  • O. K. Dudko B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 47 Lenin ave., Kharkov 310164, Ukraine
  • A. S. Kovalev B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 47 Lenin ave., Kharkov 310164, Ukraine


PACS: 61.72.√y, 75.10.√b, 75.50.Ee


A two-dimensional model,extending the Peierls model to the case of coupled fields of magnetization and elastic displacements is proposed for an easy plane antiferromagnet with anisotropy in the easy plane in the presence of an edge dislocation. In the framework of the model proposed a system of one-dimensional nonlinear integral-differential equations for two coupled fields is derived. When the crystal structure of the antiferromagnet is perfect, the set of equations can be solved for the domain wall with the Bloch line into which the magnetic vortex trans forms if single ion anisotropy is taken into account.In the presence of the dislocation, a complex magne- tostructural topological defect occurs, which is a 180╟ domain wall ending at the dislocation.


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How to Cite

Dudko О. К.; Kovalev А. С. The Influence of Dislocations on the Magnetic Structure of Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Antiferromagnets: Electronic Properties of Metals and Alloys. Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2000, 26, 821-828.




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